Understanding the Produced Results

This document will explain how to interpret the results of a website accessibility test that was run against your campaign website.


Our tool analyzes any link that is self-referencing to your own website and generates an accessibility report [1]. As a simple example - If the starting page is www.a.com and on that page there are links to www.a.com/subsection and www.b.com, our tool will create an accessibility evaluation for both www.a.com and www.a.com/subsection but will skip-over www.b.com as it is not the same website.

Using our prior example, the produced report for www.a.com would include:

├── accessibility-violations-summarized.csv
├── aggregated-accessibility-violations-summarized.csv
├── email.txt
├── full-axe-results.json
└── subsection
    ├── accessibility-violations-summarized.csv
    └── full-axe-results.json

Notice that subsection is now a child folder in the parent www.a.com folder.

This structure should mirror your website’s page layout. This structure also makes it possible to quickly check the accessibility evaluation that we have run for each individual page on your site.

Basic Contents

Each directory, regardless of it is the starting page or a found page, will contain the following files:

  • accessibility-violations-summarized.csv

  • full-axe-results.json

Accessibility Violations Summarized

This is a CSV file that summarizes the violations found for that page (“that page” meaning the full directory path, i.e. www.a.com/subsection is the folder name and the webpage).

This CSV has six fields:

  • id: the id, shortname, or general classification of the violation (“color-contrast”, “heading-order”, etc.)

  • impact: the severity of the violation in plain text

  • impact_score: the severity of the violation as an integer (useful for sorting)

  • reason: the short description of why this is a violation

  • number_of_elements_in_violation: the number of HTML elements affected by this violation for this page

  • help_url: a link to the specific Deque University rule that was violated for more details

Full Axe Results

This is a JSON file containing the full resulting output from running the axe accessibility evaluation tool for the page.

We utilize the "violations" section of this document which looks like the following:

"violations": [
        "description": "Ensures the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds",
        "help": "Elements must have sufficient color contrast",
        "helpUrl": "https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/3.1/color-contrast?application=axeAPI",
        "id": "color-contrast",
        "impact": "serious",
        "nodes": [

This may already start to look a bit familiar, as this is where we are pulling our aggregated data from.

The "nodes" subsection of "violations" is where you can find all the HTML elements or nodes that are in violation of the specified rule.

A single node section looks something like the following:

    "all": [],
    "any": [
            "data": {
                "bgColor": "#f9f4ec",
                "contrastRatio": 2.93,
                "expectedContrastRatio": "4.5:1",
                "fgColor": "#ff4f5e",
                "fontSize": "14.4pt",
                "fontWeight": "normal",
                "missingData": null
            "id": "color-contrast",
            "impact": "serious",
            "message": "Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.93 (foreground color: #ff4f5e, background color: #f9f4ec, font size: 14.4pt, font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1",
            "relatedNodes": [
                    "html": "<body>",
                    "target": [
    "failureSummary": "Fix any of the following:\n  Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.93 (foreground color: #ff4f5e, background color: #f9f4ec, font size: 14.4pt, font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1",
    "html": "<a href=\"#public-interest-technology\">Public Interest Technology</a>",
    "impact": "serious",
    "none": [],
    "target": [
        "li:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"#public-interest-technology\"]"

Breaking this down, we can see exactly which element(s) was reported in violation from the "html" and "target" fields:

"html": "<a href=\"#public-interest-technology\">Public Interest Technology</a>",
"target": [
    "li:nth-child(1) > a[href=\"#public-interest-technology\"]"

In this case, it looks like the website has a link to a page called “Public Interest Technology” however if you need more specifics the "target" field details that it is the 1st list item that contains an anchor element (li:nth-child(1) > a).

Additionally, axe reports why these elements were marked as a violation in the "failureSummary" field.

Fix any of the following:n Element has insufficient color contrast of 2.93 (foreground color: #ff4f5e, background color: #f9f4ec, font size: 14.4pt, font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1

We can see that this particular link’s font color does not contrast enough from the background color.

Aggregated Accessibility Violations Summarized

This file will always live at the top of the report and stores the violation results from aggregating each child Accessibility Violations Summarized.

The only additional field added to this CSV over each accessibility-violations-summarized.csv is:

  • number_of_pages_affected: which is the count of the number of pages in your website affected by this violation

Pages Not Included

Pages on your website may not be picked up by our tool for a variety of reasons however the most common would be:

  • The webpage that is missing from the report was not linked to by any of the found webpages.

  • The webpage was a document. It is very common to store policy proposals on a website as a PDF or similar static file however our tools do not currently parse such files or pages.

  • Something went wrong during processing of an individual webpage.

If you have any questions or would like clarification on this documentation please simply respond to our original email. We are happy to work with you to improve your site’s accessibility to all voters.