Source code for access_eval.analysis.parse_axe_results

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import pandas as pd
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json

from .. import constants

# Axe look up tables and constants
# Pulled from:  # noqa: E501

[docs]class AxeImpact: minor: str = "minor" moderate: str = "moderate" serious: str = "serious" critical: str = "critical"
AXE_IMPACT_SCORE_LUT = { AxeImpact.minor: 1, AxeImpact.moderate: 2, AxeImpact.serious: 3, AxeImpact.critical: 4, }
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class SimplifiedAxeViolation: id: str impact: str impact_score: int reason: str number_of_elements_in_violation: int help_url: str
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class AggregateAxeViolation: id: str impact: str impact_score: int reason: str number_of_pages_affected: int number_of_elements_in_violation: int help_url: str
[docs]def generate_high_level_statistics(head_dir: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """ Recursive glob of all directories for axe results and generate high level statistics both for single page and whole website. Parameters ---------- head_dir: Union[str, Path] The directory to start the recursive glob for axe results in. """ # Get all individual page axe results to consolidate if isinstance(head_dir, str): head_dir = Path(head_dir) # Resolve head_dir = head_dir.resolve(strict=True) if head_dir.is_file(): raise NotADirectoryError(str(head_dir)) # Iter results and combine overall_stats = {} for axe_result_file in head_dir.glob( f"**/{constants.SINGLE_PAGE_AXE_RESULTS_FILENAME}" ): simplified_violations = [] # Open result file with open(axe_result_file, "r") as open_f: single_page_axe_results = json.load(open_f) # Parse and simplify for violation in single_page_axe_results["violations"]: # Add to this pages violations simplified_violations.append( SimplifiedAxeViolation( id=violation["id"], impact=violation["impact"], impact_score=AXE_IMPACT_SCORE_LUT[violation["impact"]], reason=violation["help"], number_of_elements_in_violation=len(violation["nodes"]), help_url=violation["helpUrl"], ) ) # Set or update the overall stats if violation["id"] not in overall_stats: overall_stats[violation["id"]] = AggregateAxeViolation( id=violation["id"], impact=violation["impact"], impact_score=AXE_IMPACT_SCORE_LUT[violation["impact"]], reason=violation["help"], number_of_pages_affected=1, number_of_elements_in_violation=len(violation["nodes"]), help_url=violation["helpUrl"], ) else: overall_stats[violation["id"]].number_of_pages_affected += 1 overall_stats[violation["id"]].number_of_elements_in_violation += len( violation["nodes"] ) # Compile simplified violations to table and # sort by the number of elements and severity compiled_simplified_violations = pd.DataFrame( [v.to_dict() for v in simplified_violations], # type: ignore columns=[ "id", "impact", "impact_score", "reason", "number_of_elements_in_violation", "help_url", ], ) compiled_simplified_violations = compiled_simplified_violations.sort_values( by=["number_of_elements_in_violation", "impact_score"], ascending=False ) compiled_simplified_violations.to_csv( axe_result_file.parent / constants.SINGLE_PAGE_SIMPLIFIED_AXE_RESULTS_FILENAME, index=False, ) # Compile overall stats overall_simplified_violations = pd.DataFrame( [v.to_dict() for v in overall_stats.values()] # type: ignore ) overall_simplified_violations = overall_simplified_violations.sort_values( by=[ "number_of_elements_in_violation", "impact_score", "number_of_pages_affected", ], ascending=False, ) overall_simplified_violations.to_csv( head_dir / constants.AGGREGATE_AXE_RESULTS_FILENAME, index=False, )